
380170 johannes it

                                   Instructions for updating the Ethernet board.

1 Preliminary remarks

Almost nothing can go wrong! What you need is a PC and a so called Null-Modem cable .The Ethernet network board must still be updated via the serial interface.  The firmware can be downloaded from this website on the Homepage Home > Ethernet tab. here are the last stable working version stored. You can download a complete package as .ZIP file. Just unpack the zip file in any directory you like

2 Programming cable

The null-modem cable should be plugged in to the front RS232 socket on the Ethernet board, the other end should be plugged in a available RS232 socket on the PC.
You must identify which Com Port you are using, eventually you must / could edit the update.bat file which is present in the unpacked zip file.
It would look like this:

                                                    fboot.exe /C2 /B38400 /Pmain.hex /Vmain.hex pause 

where /C2 indicates which Com Port is used, to change from 2 to 1 just change the file to /C1 

/B38400 indicates the Com Port Speed, standard speed will be overwritten at execution of the batch file.

3 Programming procedure

1. Be sure that the ethernet board is off. than launch the update.bat file.

2. As the procedure starts e screen like this should appear:
3 The programm is running and is waiting for the serial connection to be initiated showing a rotating "slash":

4. Now turn on the power on the ethernet board. The schreen will change to somewhat like this, indicating the progress of programming. 
5. After writing the firmware to the ethernet board it will be veryfied to check on errors:
         6. As the program ends there wil be a screen like this where the results of the firmware update are displayed:
7. If there are any errors just try another time starting at point 1. If you get still some error message: like CRC Error,  try to decrease the transfer speed, editing the update.bat file to /B9600  or even down to /B2400.

8. If the update was successfull, you must reset the ethernet board to activate the new firmware. Just turn off power and re-power again after a few seconds. 

11.To verify the Firmware and Settings just use your browser and login to the Ethernet board. The actual firmware version will appear like this:


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